To one another!
For the world, which seems
To lie before us like a land of dreams,
So various, so beautiful, so new,
Hath really neither joy, nor love, nor help for pain;
And we are here as on a darkling plain
Swept with confused alarms of struggle and flight,
Where ignorant armies clash by night."
Stanzas from Mathew Arnold that seem to voice an ultimate cry for unity in Lebanon,
Unity so that we may be heard as Mr. Ghassan Tueini expressed in yesterday's editorial, so that the shadows cast by the 1701's ambiguities as he said, don't engulf us all.
Lebanon seems like a huge landmine area, where leftover souvenir bombs of Israeli aggression shred people to pieces on a daily basis, where failure to unite is another enormous landmine that could lead us all to our doom as Mr. Tueini put it.
Everyone seems to agree that it is impossible that Lebanese people fight each other again,
Yet we don't seem to have found the adequate formula whose major component is tolerance.
So we are, again as Mathew Arnold put it in his Grand Chartreuse
"Wandering between two worlds
One dead and the other powerless to be born"
Let us give our new world (by no means the new M.E. promoted by the US) the power to see the light. Our hope, and God knows hope there is, it expressed itself in the solidarity demonstrated by the people for the people, our hope is then that we base the foundation of the new Lebanon on this genuine reaching out movement. Let it be our pass to a safe harbor.
As Ghassan Rahbani put it, "Only forgiveness will build a nation". Let us forgive so that we can rise above the ruins and debris, above political and ideological affiliations, above religious beliefs to be just Lebanese.
1 comment:
:) I find it cool that you talk to me on Nad's Blog... La plaisanterie c'est le premier roman de Kundéra, L'Immortalité le dernier... entre les deux il a écrit sept fois le même roman avec des variations... après il n'a plus écrit que des merdes :)...
Tout est dans la Plaisanterie... enjoy a Lovely book... Food for thoughts ;)
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