Sunday, July 30, 2006

Bright eyes how can you close and fade?

Beyond horror, beyond words ....

A silent horrified sit in, a moment of prayer, for all those people, for all those children whose fearful eyes have closed upon the shelter walls and ceiling, to open up in the eternal light of heaven. I shudder at the thought of the hell they were forced to go through to get there. I shudder at the sight of those little lifeless bodies forever frozen in sleep positions.

Beyond horror, beyond words ....

Secretary general of UN admitting failure ...
To condemn or not to condemn ...
Veto or no Veto ...
Investigations ...
Revolts ...

Beyond horror, beyond words ....

I'll just light a candle and sit silently, holding up a few posters ... hoping many will join me in prayers, let our silence be overwhelmingly heard, let it fill the streets, the city squares. Massive silent sit ins. Violence has failed, violence is mute. Let the whole world echo with the sound of our silence.

The best arm against "terrorism": JUSTICE.

Quand notre solidarité se lézarde
Israel bombarde
Et le monde regarde
Et s'attaaaaaaaaarde

Let's break the vicious circle
Let's use our strongest arms
Solidarity and non-violence

Hear our horrified silence
O world of silent duplicity
Hear the silenced giggles of our dead children

The violence perpetrated
Generates only violence and hatred

Cease fire
Cease violence
Cease injustice
Only then will you have peace

The light of my candle sheds a tiny glow in the endless darkness of this night ...

Saturday, July 29, 2006

The need to believe

Today's post is for you Charlie ...
And through you to all of you Lebanese youth who feel desillusioned, disappointed, disgusted ....
"Let us leave this country for those who deserve to live and die in it ...." you said.

Charlie ... this country's very existence depends on you and all those you mention in your comment. It depends on your tolerance. Now is the time as ever to put it to practice. That's strenuous work Charles, one of the toughest deeds. Being able to overcome prejudices, prejudgements, holding on to your beliefs while tolerating and respecting others'.
Divide to conquer said Macchiavelli to Lorenzo Di Medici in 1515.
You said it beautifully Charles, u expressed a very realistic view of our country. Can't you see that this is why we are continuously conquered?
Take a look at what is happening around us. Israel reserves a budget and a well developped plan to bring in Jewish families from all over the world back to their homeland. An article I read in Paris Match a month or so ago revealed through an interview with a lady in Marseille that her target is 30,000 families a year. And on our side what is happening? We are emigrating by the dozens... a matter to ponder upon eih?
Charlie we deserve to have a homeland, a country to call our own.
Swissra el shar2 existed once, true.
Have we lost the formula for coexisting? For being Lebanese above all? You guys, have so much potential, you never cease to amaze me, on a daily basis I am swept of my feet by the things you do. Shake off the war debris from your shoulders! You are not a war generation! You don't have to pay the price for the deeds of those who preceeded you. Brush away all those who teach and promote fanaticism. Mkawka3in you said, and aren't we all so Charlie? Bridges have been bombarded the last fortnight, and other bridges we've destroyed over the years. Build bridges instead of walls you don't need to keep perpetrating this hatred generated by the war, you don't need to make the mistake of those who allowed themselves to be manipulated, those who allowed hatred into their hearts and homes.
Step back and take a brief look at our war ...
Christians killed christians as you said ...
Muslims killed christians
Christians killed muslims
Druze killed christians
Christians killed druze
Over 100,000 deaths
Ground zero throughout the country
Economy below zero
The war ended ... no one really knows why it started and why it ended ...
What did this war accomplish?
Charlie I speak to all the Lebanese youth through you ....
You are the ones with the unlimited potentials...
Believe in your homeland. Believe in your capacities. Believe in the change. Make it happen.
The change hasn't happened yet. The change should happen in the mentalities. Dare to be different. Dare to believe. Don't let go of Lebanon, don't let all the destruction and deaths go in vein. You deserve to live in this country, you deserve to have a place you call your own.
Hanging on to your homeland and tolerance for all those who do the same is the key to swissra el shar2, to that eldorado that seems to be elusive still, that camelot where people sit on a round table and make it happen. People with the will and integrity, not ex-warlords still arguing for their share of the cake, as their fathers and grandfathers did before them....

The real rebuilding starts in the mentalities and hearts. Remember though that "Unless the Lord builds the house, its builders labor in vain"

Lebanese youth the sky is your limit and this country is your homeland deeply rooted into each and everyone of you.

Thursday, July 27, 2006

Il n'y a jamais eu de bonne guerre ni de mauvaise paix ...

Au dela de la compréhension, de la révolte...
L'union européene prédit que la guerre au Liban peut durer des semaines
La conférence de Rome a resulté en un tas de paroles
CNN n'en finit pas de parler de la souffrance des Israeliens
Kofi Anan va convoquer le conseil de sécurité pour étudier ... étudier la possibilité d'un cessez le feu au Liban.
Selon un général Israelien, la guerre au Liban est loin d'être finie

600 morts déjà .... 1,490 bléssés, mutilés souffrants, des familles sans toits, sans nourritures ....
41 morts en Israel ......

Il n'y a jamais eu de bonne guerre ni de mauvaise paix disait Benjamin Franklin. "War is terrorism with a bigger budget" disait l'une des affiches que portaient certains manifestants lors de la venue de Condolezza Rice au Liban. Que dire?

La guerre contre le terrorisme dit-on ... dix jours après faisons le bilan.
Parmi les 600 morts au Liban, dont 45% sont des enfants, combien de "terroristes" peut-on compter? Et même si les 600 étaient tous des soit-disant terroristes ... la morale? We kill people who kill people to show that killing people is wrong ....?

Israel change de stratégie, reprend les raids aériens.

Des avions nous bombardent d'obus et des dizaines d'immeubles s'écroulent, et d'autres avions nous bombardent d'aide humanitaire. Traitement symptomatique .... la duplicité de ce monde qui nous observe empêche l'administration de ce médicament qui pourtant est si simple ... un cessez le feu! Le monde observe ... analyse ... fait des statistiques ... morts, blessés ... pour ... contre .... mais la potion magique continue de nous manquer ... cruellement ... atrocement ...

Nos yeux sont rivés vers d'autres horizons, scotchés à la télé nous attendons de tel pays ou de tel conférence ce miracle qui ne vient pas, passivement nous attendons, nous oublions cette phrase si belle pourtant d'Audrey Hepburn, "if you want helping hands you'll find them at the end of your arms". Malgré ces scènes apocalyptique que nous vivons au quotidien, nous ne sommes toujours pas en accord les uns avec les autres, tt comme la reflété la réunion "exceptionelle" du gouvernement ce soir. Combien en faut-il encore pour apprendre que tant qu'on est pas solidaires on n'accomplira rien?

Tristes pensées ce soir et sentiments coupables pour ce pain quotidien qui ne nous a pas manqué, pour ce courant qui ne s'est pas coupé, pour ce lit douillet où nous avons toujours le luxe de nous étendre alors que tant d'autres manquent de tout ... mais tout.

Non il n'y a pas de bonne guerre .... j'acheverais ce soir avec cette "prédiction" de l'avenir de Theilhard de Chardin, bien plus belle que celles avec lesquelles j'ai commencé:
"les portes de l'avenir, elles ne s'ouvrent en avant ni à quelques privilégiés, ni à un seul peuple élu contre tous les peuples. Elles ne céderont qu'à une poussée de tous ensemble, dans une direction où tous ensemble peuvent se rejoindre et s'achever dans une rénovation spirituelle de la Terre"
Vivement cet avenir ...

Wednesday, July 26, 2006

Chaotic war thoughts ....

Ok so now I have a blog, Mabrouk Claudine
Suddenly am at loss as to what to write
Suddenly my thoughts have gone dry
Where are those revolted thoughts that have been keeping me awake?

I called LBC today, I've been meaning to call them the past few days, I am so revolted at this "July War" thingie, and so as July turns into August the war will change its name? July War? Makes it sound like some sort of a summer camp. Midsummer night's dream, July War ... It is a war on Lebanon by all means. Other parameters don't matter now, what triggered it? Who is to blame? What month it started? None of these will change the fact that it is a war on Lebanon, again ....

Is it our refusal of war? Is it our idiocy? What is it that makes us avoid calling things by their name. Our huge war that lasted two decades and killed over a hundred thousand ... what did we call it? 7awediss ... les évènnements ... weird weird.

News media abroad are so careful with their choice of words, with their very choice of prepositions ... War in Iraq said CNN, War on Iraq said euronews .... but a tiny letter changed yet a world of differences in significance.

I want us to smarten up .. so badly .. to learn from the past .. the very very recent past. Too recent to draw conclusions from? Maybe, why else do we keep repeating the same pattern?

Messed up thoughts tonight, jumping du coq a l'ane, guess am a newbie in the blog world :).

Soon enough ... soon enough ... I got so much to say ... soon enough iza alla rad ...

Plane roars tear the silence of the night ... fear grips the stomach ... soon enough ... iza alla rad