Saturday, July 29, 2006

The need to believe

Today's post is for you Charlie ...
And through you to all of you Lebanese youth who feel desillusioned, disappointed, disgusted ....
"Let us leave this country for those who deserve to live and die in it ...." you said.

Charlie ... this country's very existence depends on you and all those you mention in your comment. It depends on your tolerance. Now is the time as ever to put it to practice. That's strenuous work Charles, one of the toughest deeds. Being able to overcome prejudices, prejudgements, holding on to your beliefs while tolerating and respecting others'.
Divide to conquer said Macchiavelli to Lorenzo Di Medici in 1515.
You said it beautifully Charles, u expressed a very realistic view of our country. Can't you see that this is why we are continuously conquered?
Take a look at what is happening around us. Israel reserves a budget and a well developped plan to bring in Jewish families from all over the world back to their homeland. An article I read in Paris Match a month or so ago revealed through an interview with a lady in Marseille that her target is 30,000 families a year. And on our side what is happening? We are emigrating by the dozens... a matter to ponder upon eih?
Charlie we deserve to have a homeland, a country to call our own.
Swissra el shar2 existed once, true.
Have we lost the formula for coexisting? For being Lebanese above all? You guys, have so much potential, you never cease to amaze me, on a daily basis I am swept of my feet by the things you do. Shake off the war debris from your shoulders! You are not a war generation! You don't have to pay the price for the deeds of those who preceeded you. Brush away all those who teach and promote fanaticism. Mkawka3in you said, and aren't we all so Charlie? Bridges have been bombarded the last fortnight, and other bridges we've destroyed over the years. Build bridges instead of walls you don't need to keep perpetrating this hatred generated by the war, you don't need to make the mistake of those who allowed themselves to be manipulated, those who allowed hatred into their hearts and homes.
Step back and take a brief look at our war ...
Christians killed christians as you said ...
Muslims killed christians
Christians killed muslims
Druze killed christians
Christians killed druze
Over 100,000 deaths
Ground zero throughout the country
Economy below zero
The war ended ... no one really knows why it started and why it ended ...
What did this war accomplish?
Charlie I speak to all the Lebanese youth through you ....
You are the ones with the unlimited potentials...
Believe in your homeland. Believe in your capacities. Believe in the change. Make it happen.
The change hasn't happened yet. The change should happen in the mentalities. Dare to be different. Dare to believe. Don't let go of Lebanon, don't let all the destruction and deaths go in vein. You deserve to live in this country, you deserve to have a place you call your own.
Hanging on to your homeland and tolerance for all those who do the same is the key to swissra el shar2, to that eldorado that seems to be elusive still, that camelot where people sit on a round table and make it happen. People with the will and integrity, not ex-warlords still arguing for their share of the cake, as their fathers and grandfathers did before them....

The real rebuilding starts in the mentalities and hearts. Remember though that "Unless the Lord builds the house, its builders labor in vain"

Lebanese youth the sky is your limit and this country is your homeland deeply rooted into each and everyone of you.

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