Saturday, August 19, 2006

Creative silence .....relentless persistence

Silence is often more expressive than words
A public square with a crane in the background, but in germany this time.
(pics of the germany manifestation (lebanese people lying on the ground covered with lebanese flags, in public square, in train stations, I sure hope they'll upload this time, otherwise till a future blog)

To all of you silent workers of the Lebanese Diaspora,
To all of you people who make a difference, who don't give up
To that person on his faraway island who refused to sit idly, who refused to give up when all means seemed impossible for the medical aid he had gathered to reach lebanon, who had phones ringing in France, Switzerland ... until there was light, until his ship came through
To that person in Belgium whose ton of medical supplies came through despite all obstacles
To all of you Lebanese people who are suffering from being away, perhaps even more than we suffer from being here at times
To all of you bloggers who communicate and promote a beautiful image of our country
To those of you who express in writing, in poetry, in prose, in graphic arts rania, ostfen, leba-none, poetryinthewar and am sure there are so many more
To all of you who have felt the same as Camille who wrote in his blog:
"Durant ce long mois, plus que jamais, j’ai habité Beyrouth tout en vivant ailleurs" (blog that I came across by an unfortioutous stroobia this morn ;) )
I just wish to say
Thank You
So often someone's word someone's act makes a difference, brightens a day, lights up a smile on a sad face
I know for certain that many of you have been the cause of many a smile, may this be a happy thought when ur frustration at being away becomes overwhelming.


Unknown said...

Thanks Claudine,
I am happy to have met you through this little altercation over a Joke !

Claudine said...

Hi Camille :),

Thks for ur comment, happy to have e-met u too :D. Enjoy ur weekend and happy thoughts.